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***************** About these items *****************
6502 Assembly Language Programming /option>
6502 Software Design
8 Blank Floppies
A Guideed Tour of Macintosh
ABM Anti-Ballistic Missle Game
About Your Enhanced Apple IIe User's Guide
AD8088 Processor Card Manual
Addendum to the Apple II Reference Manual
Address Book
Adventure Mystery House (sold)
Adventure to Atlantis (sold)
AIO Serial/Parallel Manual
Akalabeth (sold)
ALF Music System
Alien Lander Owner's Manual
APPEN-1 Text Editor (sold)
Apple 6502 Assembler/Editor (sold)
Apple Bowl
Apple Developer's Handbook
Apple Developer's Handbook
Apple Disk Copy Program
Apple Disk II Floppy Disk Subsystem
Apple Graphics & Arcade Game Design
Apple Graphics Games
Apple II Apple II Monitors Peeled
Apple II Apple Pascal
Apple II Apple Presents...Apple
Apple II Apple Presents...Apple
Apple II Applesoft Tool Kit
Apple II AppleWorks
Apple II Basic Programming Manual
Apple II Basic Programming Manual
Apple II DOS 3.3
Apple II DOS 3.3 System Master
Apple II DOS Programmer's Manual
Apple II DOS User's Manual
Apple II IEEE-488 Interface
Apple II ProDOS User's Manual
Apple II Reference Manual
Apple II Reference Manual January 1978
Apple II Reference Manual
Apple II Super Serial Card
Apple II The DOS Manual
Apple II The DOS Manual
Apple II Using AppleWorks
Apple IIe Owner's Manual
Apple IIe ProDOS Supplement to the Owner's Manua
Apple III Owner's guide
Apple III Standard Device Drivers Manual
Apple Imagewriter User's Manual
Apple Language System Manual
Apple LaserWriter IISC Installation Guide
Apple Machine Language
Apple Macintosh Macpaint
Apple Macintosh MacTerminal
Apple Macintosh REdit
Apple Post
Apple RAM Test cassette ($40)
Apple Software Bank 16K memory (sold)
Apple Software Bank chips
Apple Software Bank
Apple-Cillin II
Applesoft II Basic Reference Manual
Applesoft IIa (sold)
Asteroids in Space (sold)
Avantgarde Jump Jet (sold)
Bag of Tricks
Basics Integer & Apple
Beneath Apple DOS
Beneath Apple DOS
Beneath Apple DOS
Bill Budge's 3-D Graphics System
Bill Budge's 3-D Graphics System
Bill Budge's Space Album
Bill Budge's Trilogy of Games (sold)
Bill Budge's Trilogy of Games
Breakout/Color Graphics ($236 on ebay) $150
CAT modem Installation and Operation
CCS Asynchronoue Serial Interface Manual
ChipWits (sold)
Communications Interface Card Manual
Contact 5
Contributed Programs Volumes 3-5
Cyber Strike
D.C. Hayes MicroModem Manual
D.C. Hayes MicroModem/Coupler
DAISI Software Directory
Data Mover (sold?)
Data-Plot Graph Program (sold)
Dogfight (sold)
DOS Tool Kit Programming utilities
Dunjonquest Hellfire Warrior
Dunjonquest Morloc's Tower
Dunjonquest Temple of Apshai
Dunjonquest Temple of Apshai
Dunjonquest The Datestones of Ryn (sold)
Einstein (sold)
Escape (sold)
Flight Simulator
Game Playing with Basic
Games - Volume 2
Games - Volume 4
Games! (collection)
Guided Tour (???)
Hayden da Vinci Graphics Series/Buildings
Hayden Music Works
Hayden Word Challenge
Head On
High Resolution Graphics ($50)
Interlude (sold)
Invasion Orion Battle Manual
John Blankenship Robotic Arm Projects (sold)
Jupiter Express
Lode Runner
Mac Attack
Macintosh 68000 Development System Mannual
Macintosh MacTerminal
Macintosh manual
Macintosh Revealed Volume One
Macintosh System Software Update
MacLink Plus
MacWrite-MacPaint Tour
Magic Window Editing Commands
Magic Window
Maze Game (sold)
Micro Apple
MICRO on the Apple
Micro Phone
Micro Tax - Aardvark Software
Micro Tax C - Aardvark Software
Microchess 2.0 Personal Softeare $50
Mode 32
Moicrosoft BASIC
Mountain Hardware Keyboard Filter
Muse - Robotwar (sold)
Muse Data-Plot (sold)
Music Box (sold)
Novation Advanced Programming Information
Number Cruncher (sold)
Odyssey The Complete Adventure (sold)
Opened Box (???)
PEEKing at A.P.P.L.E. Vol 1
PEEKing at A.P.P.L.E. Vol 2
Personal Software Zork (sold)
Phantoms Five
Pinball Construction Set
Pirate Adventure (sold)
Programmer's Aid #1
Programming the 6502 (sold)
Programming the 6502
Pulsar II
Rescue at Rigel
Retro-Ball Owner's Manual
Sargon: A computer Chess Program
Saucer Invasion (sold)
Serial Interface Card Manual
Serial Interface Card Manual
Side Show (sold)
Space Eggs
Space Maze (sold?)
Space Raiders (sold)
Special Effects
Star Cruiser
Star Trek Soundware User's Guide
Starfleet Orion Ship Control Panel (sold)
Starquest Rescue at Rigel
Startrek/Starwars (on ebay for $895!)$200
Talking Moose
Tank War (sold)
TellStar (sold)
The Big Four (???)
The Complete Graphics System
The Graphics Magician
The MAC Battery Pack
The Magic Window Word Processing System
The Tarturian (sold)
The Voice (sold)
The Wizard and the Princess (sold)
The Wozpak II (sold)
Through the looking Glass - cover (sold)
Through the looking Glass - inside (sold)
Thunderclock Plus User's Guide
Thunderclock Plus
ThunderScan User's Guide
Tranquility Base
Trendcom A-IIG Interface Manual
U_Draw (sold)
Utility City
Versa Card Manual
Videx Enhancer II Utility Diskette
Videx Software
Videx Software
Videx Ultraterm Demo (sold)
Videx UltraTerm Manual
Videx UltraTerm Manual (sold)
Videx Videoterm 80 Column Display
Videx Videoterm 80 Column Display Manual
Videx Videoterm Owner's Reference Manual
Wampus Hunt
Warlords (sold)
Webster's Revenge
What's Where in the Apple
What's Where in the Apple
Wizardry - Knight of Diamonds
Wizardry - Legacy of Llylgamyn
Wizardry A Game of Fantasy & adventure
WSI Apple IIe User's Handbook
Zoom Grafix
Disk II Interface Card
Parallel Printer Interface Card
Super Serial Card [$80]
Hayes MicroModem II card (with coupler unit)
Apple Cat 212 Expansion Module card
Apple-Cat II Options & Accessories
Novation Apple Cat II Mannual
Novation Apple-Cat II Upgrade Card manual
Novation Com-Ware II Operating Instructions
Novation 212 Expansion card with Nov Com Module)
Novation 212 Expansion card with Nov Com Module)
Novation 212 Expansion card with Nov Com Module)
Novation Phone Expansion Module
Parallel Printer Interface card with cable
Corvus Card
Corvus Card
Mountain Hardware X-10 card
Mountain Hardware Introl/X-10 Manual
Apple Parallel Printer Interface card
ASI-1 serial interface card
Corvus Transporter Card
Corvus Transporter Card [$40]
ALF 5-1-1A Card (?)
Heuristics Card
Heuristics Model 2000 card with mic (sold)
Videx 1982 Card (?)
Videx interface card (??)
ALF Apple Music Synthesizer card / Music MC16 (sold)
Mountain Hardware Rom Plus
Mountain Hardware Romplus+ Operating Manual
ALF Apple Music II / Music Card MC1
ASI-1 Serial Interface card
ASI-1 Serial Interface card
ASI-1 Serial Interface card with cable (sold)
ASI-1 Serial Interface card with cable (sold)
Microsoft RAM card [$40]
Unknown Interface Card
Videx Card (sold)
XEBEC Host Adapter card
VIDEX Card [$40]
MPC Parallel Printer Card with ribbon
Videx Ultraterm Video Card
Thunderclock PLus card
Apple ROM Card [$100]
Corvus Systems Card
Corvus Syatems Card
Corvus Apple Transporter card
Rana Systems Drive 1-4 card
VIDEX (what?) card
Apple Disk II Drive1/Drive2 card
Apple Mouse Interface card (sold)
Mystery PC card - 'Color Disp.'
Side view of three decks of this mystery card
IBM 1501987 8-Bit ISA XM Parallel Card ($30)
Conexant 112423PS Modem Card V1.1 ($10)
Silicon image ATA IDE PCI Raid Controller Card ($15)
DOLBY ASUS Sound Card ($30)
BBC 8 Bit IDE Interface? card (sold)
RAMQuest Orchid card ($100)
AMD ATI-102-C09003 (B) Graphics Card ($50)
PNY Memory chips (?)
XEBEC Board card (sold)
Kingston Fast Ethernet PCI Adapter card (new)
Rear view of Kingston card
COMP serial/parallel card
SIIG CI-1050 EIDE controller card
Winbond Printer Card
Holmes Microsystems Correspondent-T 2400 card
HP Agere Systems D-1156I#/A1A Fax Modem card ($20)
MFM OMTI 20513 Hard Drive Controller Card ($20)
Margi Board and Display-to-go card inserted
D-Link DFE-530TX+ 10/100MBPS PCI Fast Ethernet Card ($5)
D-link LAN Card ($10)
100-2010 card (what is this? )
Serial/Parallel/Game Port card (new)
IBM 62X0776 XT AT MFM Drive Controller Card ($40) (sold)
3Com EtherLink Network Interface Card (new $25)
Disk II Interface Card
MultiTech MGA-PC Video Card ($80)
USRobotics Megahertz modem insert card ($20)
Linksys Network PC insert card
Dell 28.8 Modem insert card
Crucial 8GB notebook memory kit (new $25)
Kingston Ethernet PC Card (new)
Mountain Computer Music System Card
Mountain Music System 1&2
Mountain music card
Apple Parallel Printer Interface
Apple Super Serial Card
Original cassette player
Original cassette player rear
Mountain Computer Expansion chassis (sold)
Mountain Computer Expansion chassis inside (sold)
Mountain Computer Expansion chassis rear (sold)
Mountain Computer Expansion Chassis Card (sold)
Apple II with separate keyboard (sold)
The interior (sold)
Full view (sold)
The labels (sold)
Original Apple II (high bid: $800)
Original label #8374
Apple II in cabinet (sold)
Cabinet front (sold)
Cabinet inside (sold)
Inside (sold)
Cabinet bottom (sold)
Cabinet rear (sold)
One of two monitors
Drive and Expansion Chassis (sold)
Texas Instrument Laser Printer
TI Printer
TI Printer Rear View
TI Printer Label
TI Printer Inside
TI Printer More inside
Apple II A2S1-8374 (high bid $800 - sold?)
Inside Apple 8374 (high bid $800 - sold?)
Apple 8374 label (high bid $800 - sold?)
Mustek 1200SP scanner
Scanner glass
Scanner rear
Toshiba T1300 portable
Toshiba T1300 portable
Toshiba T1300 portable batteries and charger
IBM Monitor
IBM Monitor label
IBM Information
Corvus 21 MB hard drive ($400)
Corvus drive rear
Mac Classic II
Mac rear
Canon NP1010
Canon open
HP Laser Jet Printer
HP Controls
HP LaserJet III
HP buttons
HP rear
HP Label
Keyboard 1
Keyboard 2
Keyboard 3
Possible Corvus Cable 1
Possible Corvus Cable 2
Possible Corvus Cable 3
Cable 4
Possible Videx Cable
Cable 6 (what the heck??)
Cable 7
Cable 8
Cable 9
Cable 10
Cable 11
Monitor 1
Monitor 2
Monitor 3
Monitor 4
Monitor 5
Monitor 6
Monitor 7
Monitor 11